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Old 07-17-2012, 12:57 PM   #215
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post

A quote from your WaPo article:

“Even the documents cherry-picked by House Republicans today affirm what we have said all along: This loan was a decision made on the merits at the Department of Energy,” Schultz said in a statement. “Nothing in the 85,000 pages of documents produced thus far by the Administration or in these four indicate any favoritism to political supporters.”

Washington Post Dec. 28, 2011

"records do not establish that the Energy Department pressured anyone to approve the Solyndra loan to benefit political contributors."

Per Politico. Hardly left leaning. 3/27/2012

More than a year into a probe that's extended to the Energy Department loan guarantee portfolio, Republican investigators even acknowledge they've fallen short of substantiating their allegations that the administration helped political allies like Tulsa oilman George Kaiser secure hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidies through a loan guarantee to Solyndra.

"Is there a criminal activity? Perhaps not," Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa told POLITICO after last Tuesday’s showdown with Energy Secretary Steven Chu. "Is there a political influence and connections? Perhaps not. Did they bend the rules for an agenda, an agenda not covered within the statute? Absolutely."

More from Politico: 6/5/12

Among other findings...Spinner, an Obama fundraiser, monitored the Solyndra loan guarantee while working as an Energy Department adviser — Still, House investigators have been unable to show that the administration approved the Solyndra guarantee to please the president’s campaign donors.
Solyndra I have always thought Obama did so he had some green company he could point to that the stimulas helped. He ignored all the warnings just so he could stand in front of the American people and tout them as his success. Hell he just said the other day that no one is successful without the federal goverment LMAO. So to try and prove his point he ignored all warnings and wasted $550,000,000. Wonder how many people are sitting at home retired from that failed company set up for the rest of their life?
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