Originally Posted by Giantone
Sammy just answer one,
If it wasn't Mitt at the helm,who was it and why did Mitt sign the papers?
Read the links FD and I posted, all the answers are there. If this is all the Ds have.....saden needs to get his checkbook out.
Since FD & I have answered questions (quite effectively), how about someone answer a question for me:
- What exactly was Obama's role in approving the Solyndra loan when their financial model was $hit and they had a failed IPO? $ 535M in TAXPAYER money stolen from the American people by Obama and his cronies. While you guys are trying to tie Romney to Bain (private corporation) to say he outsourced some jobs, you're OK with Obama funneling hundreds of millions to crooks that steal taxpayer money and cost over 1000 jobs.
Solyndra e-mails show Obama fundraiser discussed effort to win White House help - The Washington Post
Obama Fundraiser Pushed Solyndra Deal From Inside - ABC News
and Solyndra is just the tip of the iceberg:
Forget Bain — Obama’s public-equity record is the real scandal - The Washington Post
from the above link: All that cronyism and corruption is catching up with the administration.
According to Politico, “The Energy Department’s inspector general has launched more than 100 criminal investigations” related to the department’s green-energy programs.
and so NC Skins, 12th, and saden can't complain about "partisan" links....the links are from left-leaning media outlets.