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Old 07-12-2012, 04:54 PM   #177
Slingin Sammy 33
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
Neither one of your links disprove the affects the tax cut bill had on the economy. Not that I remotely gave Clinton credit for it, but even in the politifact link. That first link is just LOL. Last time I checked, we were on the road to removing our deficit and having a surplus, which is exactly what the GOP is screaming for.

They don't want it, and it's obvious by their actions they don't.

I don't think anybody is saying that raising the tax rates on the rich was solely responsible for the economy. However, it is (and was) apparent that the bill had a major affect on the economy and in a good way.

We've tried cutting taxes since 2001 (bush and obama) and it hasn't work. Why in the **** would you continue with such reckless behavior and decisions? Oh, I know what, let me continue doing exactly what's drove us into the ground!!

We have to raise taxes (especially the rich). It's about time those .0001% (not the 1%) pay their fair percentage of taxes that most of us had to pay over the past 15 years. For to long, they've dodged taxes through various loopholes and legislation that the normal people couldn't, so it's a fair play of turnabout. Too bad you can't buy that 6th home overseas or that 3rd yacht.
You intrepret what you want. If hard numbers and stats don't back up your point you demean the source as "biased". Of course Heritage is biased, but their research and numbers are accurate. I don't see how an impartial person would look at these numbers and blow them off.

Oh well, the links and responses aren't for you and others that aren't impartial anyway.

P.S. BTW, how do you explain away the improvement in economic numbers from '93-'96 to '97-'00.....after GOP driven tax cuts were put in place?
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