Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)
Originally Posted by Giantone
So how many companies that were bailed out have paid back the money?
The employment #s are going south becuase of Congress hell Ray Charles can see that.[/QUOT
As far as I know we bailed out the banks and few car companies. That was not my point. He has loaned several green companies millions and millions of dollars and they have gone under. Even his own staff had thrown up red flags about loaning some of the companies money but he ignored them at tax payers expense.
Also please explain what congress has done or has not done thats causing employment #s to go south?
Yeah bad choice of words there the numbers went north(in this case)I don't mind loaning money to the "green energy Co's" we need to invest in this for the future no doubt,I know it didn't work out .I was under the impression that most of the car companys have paid back part of the loans ...I believe it is in the 50% range and the banks ..well some have paid back almost all ,AIG did about 2 weeks ago.By Congress fighting Obama on everything it is they that are sending unemployment numbers through the roof.
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