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Old 06-27-2012, 07:39 PM   #112
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
In Wisconsin they get 90 days sick leave and I never said I was for any congressman. My mother was a teacher for over 40 years and was teacher of the year 2 times in her city and was runner up for teacher of the year for the state of VA (I know what happened to me). My sister is a teacher and my grandmothers both were teachers. So no I'm not against teachers at all. Your also confused and it not 5% of their pay its 5% of the contributions to thier pension. So if the state contributes $500 per month the state employee would have to pay $25.
Oshkosh Area School District: Sick Leave - OEA
Did you read the link you posted,they can only carry (accumlate) 90 days ,they only pick up 10 days a year or 1 day a month for every month they work.My point is every school distric is different.I realize what it is you said ,yet in every single case first it's 5 then 10 and then 25 isn't that much to ask, no .As someone else said they just were'nt born with this these benifits were "bargin for" by representitives from either a town state or some goverment we have a new govermor so no it's all gone.....let me ask you we not get mad when a player is under contract but sits out for more money?Owners can't just change when ever they want ....this is the same thing.
FD from what you have posted I'm sure your Mom and grandmother sister...all of them love kids but should that be held against them becuase it's the profesion they chose?
....DISCLAIMER: All of my posts/threads are my expressed typed opinion and the reader is not to assume these comments are absolute fact, law, or truth unless otherwise stated in said post/thread.
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