This Place Is Refreshing
This is a great forum and SHOULD BE the official site of the Washington Redskins. The community here is great, laid back, non intrusive and welcoming which seems to represent the true fanbase as it has been for years. The conversation here is intelligent and is operated how a forum should be. There are no mods here with egos patrolling around tooting their horns that they are mods and they have "power". I wish I would have found this place earlier.
Wanting a Redskins discussion/community site, i've been "stuck" on Extremeskins for years. Let's just say that place is mess, ran by arrogant power hungry insulting mods. They don't act classy, like the majority of Redskins fans i've met. They actually are a disgrace to the fans. Those guys are really jokes though, seeing as how they feel a sense of entitlement banning and closing threads on a free internet site? lol
I think everyone who's been on that site for a while knows exactly who i'm talking about. About 3 or 4 of the same guys. One guy there used to be cool a couple of years ago, then he turned out to be a prick just like the rest of them. What's more crazy is that these fake "thug" mods act out against users on the site, but everyone knows that they show up to Redskins tailgaites etc. and have seen their pictures on the site. What if some crazy lunatic bitter user decides to show up there one day looking for trouble? Not smart on the mods parts, people are crazy nowadays. Then their is the typical preferential treatment for some members who can say whatever they want, but if you say ANYTHING that differs from the mass opinion, you're banned or NNT'd.
The sarcasm those guys use over there is very old and lame, seeing as how most of the mods there are pretty older. But they act like sorority sisters.
I wonder how many other folks have come over to Warpath and left the arrogant stiff wine and cheese eaters over at Extremeskins? I really do hope that soon the users over there leave eventually until there is no one left, the site becomes dormant and those mods have nothing left to do but ban themselves.
Since Bruce Allen is initiating changes, I think a good idea to continue the new culture is to have this site as the official Redskins message board. Do you think Bruce would care if he knew the type of people that site is being run by? Maybe he should be made aware.