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Old 06-05-2012, 10:36 AM   #40
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
Just the kind of shit I want to see. OMG CHINA HAS A BOAT! QUICK LETS SPEND ANOTHER TRILLION DOLLARS ON WAR MACHINES!! This is a huge reason why Russia went bankrupt. It spent all of its money in the Cold War trying to keep up with the US and for funding a non winnable war in Afghanistan.

This is the shit the Republicans want to spend their money on. Yeah, **** those peasants and their healthcare and social security. We want things that blow up people. (preferably minorities)

Americans want this to change, but our politicians are bought and paid for by military industrial market.

Americans want to slash defense spending, but Washington isn’t listening - The Washington Post

This isn't republican/democratic, both sides spend on military, in ridiculous amounts, and on projects that bring work into their district. Growing up Sam Nunn (D-Ga) was one of the most powerful proponents of military spending. Ultimately you don't need a 3Billion dollar boat to protect our shores/interests you need a 3Billion dollar boat because you want every body to see the size of your toys.
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