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Old 05-01-2012, 11:59 AM   #8
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Re: Grade the Draft ... 2009 style

Part of the reason I did this was to see just what should be expected, based on the percentages, from a pick from a certain round - how many make it out of camp, how many last more than a year, etc.

In rounds one and two, only 2 players are not still in the NFL.
In round 3, 6 guys did not make it out of camp and another 2 aren't in the league.
In the 4th, 5 didn't make it out of camp and 4 aren't in the league.
in the 5th, 16 didn't make itou of camp and 7 more aren't in the league.
in the 6th, 7 didn't make itou of camp and 10 more aren't in the league.
in the 7th, 15 didn't make itou of camp and 4 more aren't in the league.

So (based on 2009), from the 4th round on, you have about a 60% fail rate for picks by year 3.

Sounds about right. Also, looking at the various starts/games listed, rounds 4-7 seem pretty similar - i.e. no appreciably higher games from round 4 versus round 5.
Strap it up, hold onto the ball, and let’s go.
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