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Old 04-09-2012, 09:48 PM   #34
Another Year, another mess.
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Re: Griffin's Impact on our Offense

I exspect big things from our offense. 1st thing I think the running game will be in the top 5 of the league. The combination of RGIII, Hightower, Helu, Royster and Rainey (Yes I'm calling Chris being drafted by us) will be hard to stop. Each player brings something different.

The passing game will certaintly rely on the recievers ability to get open break the jam and seperate from the defense. Last years our guys couldn't do that. I think Cooley will be healthy and the speed on the field will hard to manage.

Whether we can beat the blitz will be the most important part. Because of how dangerous we can be- teams will bring the heat. The goal will be to hit RGIII every play whether has the ball or not. How will he respond to that? Time will tell.
That got ugly fast
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