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Old 02-28-2012, 04:49 PM   #573
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Re: Yet Another QB Rumors Thread (Volume 9)

Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
Depends on what type of Free Agents. If we go for the Barry Cofield-London Fletcher variety we'll be much better off. I think we can allow one big splash at Wide Receiver but other then that it needs to be solid affordable guys like Cofield and Chester.
I feel like "free agent strategy" is eventually going to be a completely separate thread, but I do think that there are plenty of FA values at a lot of positions. And I'm skeptical that the Redskins will get any of them. But that's just post-2011 pessimism, and not actually based on something of substance.

I will say that I'm shocked that 1) our 2011 FA class has already been ruled a success and 2) we haven't gotten very much from it yet (but theres still time!)
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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