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Old 01-19-2012, 10:34 PM   #388
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Talking Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
It sounds as if Mel Kiper came out with some breaking news that the Redskins have declared they are not interested in Matt Flynn.

But that's not the case at all, Mel was merely on a conference call with reporters and in answering one of several QB questions said that he has heard (and I've brought this up here before...since Mel and I are the same person...j/k) that the Redskins are not really interested in Flynn, that they don't value him as highly as people believe.

On the other hand, Chris Russell says they are indeed very interested.

It's all informed speculation at this point. No one knows for sure because it's simply too early to know. It's no report per se. Look, a couple of years ago I told you all that the Redskins had no interest in Julius Peppers based on what I'd heard. Other "insiders" said they did...turns out they didn't. Last year both Chris Russell and I heard (perhaps from the same source) that the Redskins were serious about Sidney Rice...turns out they weren't

All I'm saying is, while Mel and I (and others) don't think the Redskins are seriously interested in Flynn, there is nothing to really report. So don't take what anyone speculates at this point as gospel.

/end rant
Excellent points you make. I played fantasy football this year, and so I watched the talking heads on the NFL Network every week. They were always frustrated with Shanahan because they never knew who would start for the Redskins, especially at running back. Mike husbands his information, gives nothing away. Same deal in the offseason; he gives nothing away. He guards every morsel of information. Makes it hard for fans and analysts to get solid offseason info. That leaves us with nothing but speculation to talk about, which can be fun, but probably not worth getting too excited about. Just have to wait and see what happens.
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