Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...
Whats so confusing about this Weinstein thing to me is that it sounds like Manning & Saturday to the Redskins would be via trade, but everyone seems to be saying it wouldnt be......
Also i heard that his neck injury is much less serious than people think. Apparently he had a one-level cervical neck fusion surgery, which is not that big of a deal. I cant remember who it was but i was listening to on Czeban the other day and guy came on and said that NFL teams do not even note "one" level cervical fusions surgeries anymore when scouting for the NFL draft or signing FA’s.
He said something like once its fixed its fixed and the odds of damaging it is the same as the odds of damaging a different cervical (rare). Its not supposed to be a thing that can become a reoccurring issue or jeopardize a players health. If you have more than 1 cervical fused then it becomes a big deal, but needing additional fusions are unlikely to be related. The guy did say that biggest issue with Manning is that he has missed almost an entire year of throwing and that Manning's may not ever be able to get his arm strength back because of that.
My 2 cents is trading for Manning would be very bad for this team. The only positive would be that Kyle wouldn’t really be our OC anymore. Manny don’t need no OC.
If we want to sign him as a FA then thats fine, but why in the world would Manning do that to himself?