Originally Posted by SBXVII
^ I have actually been pretty suprised about the talk of P.Manning being traded to play football elsewhere, because I thought after his neck surgery I read somewhere that basically P.Manning has a disease that has been passed down through genes and his brother has the same disease.
After having the surgery it is completely risky for him to play because if he gets hit the wrong way he could be paralized. To which is why he has not been seen on the field yet. What ever happened to that? It sounded like he would not be able to play ... ever in the future for fear of getting hit wrong and now all this talk of him being traded.
I just don't see him playing ball at all. After hearing about his condition I was 100% sure he would probably have to take on a coaching job or leave football all together.
This is still the story we are being given. Peyton was tested for the same condition, spinal stenosis, that his brother Cooper had, which ended his career as a college wide receiver. The doctors could not say for sure whether or not Peyton's condition was genetic. But they didn't deny it.
The Colts know that Manning will never be physically right. He is too much of a risk to put on the field, so i believe the trade is in part just to appease Manning who is still expressing a desire to play.
I think behind the scenes, the Colts have said to Peyton "Peyton we want you to retire, it is not worth it to us to see you paralyzed on the field. You will always be a Colt and there will always be a job for you here"
I believe he could have retorted saying he felt he could still play, so the Colts told him if he was insistant on playing, they would trade him and his contract to any team that was willing to play the price, knowing full well that Peyton probably won't pass the team physical, which as far as I know would void out any payment / salary, if he is physically unable to play.
He's a smart guy, i'm surprised kind of that he is willing to play at only 60 or 70% health. I know his mind is better than any other QB out there, but i'm shocked he is trying to return to the game when he knows he physically isn't there anymore.