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Old 12-26-2011, 09:54 PM   #116
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Re: The Big Rumor: If The Colts Take Luck, Then Manning Could Be...

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
How is one example "over and over"? And how often have we traded a first round pick in recent years. Plus Kolb was traded for a 2nd and a young starting DB, and hadn't accomplished anything really. Ditto similar situations for Whitehurst and Schaub. The rules are different when it comes to QB. Though it seems the less you've accomplished as an NFL QB, the more valuable you are.

I personally wouldn't be against a 3rd and conditional 2013 for Sanchez. Draft someone like Harnish or Moore late to be your long term project. Keep Rex as the veteran backup, if he stays
I wasnt talking just draft picks,I'm talking about throwing big money at players too to get them here.The one example is just for Shanny,but the skins under Snyder have overpaid a number of free agents.My point being the skins will overpay to get what they want whether its draft picks or money
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