Thread: 'Occupy' types
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Old 11-21-2011, 04:42 PM   #393
over the mountain
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by FRPLG View Post
That's how a loan works. Your other option is to save money for a long time and pay cash. Not sure what you think the bank should be doing differently as it applies to providing you a home loan.
But should it be that way? Should we just accept the status quo that big business lays out for us?

the state of maryland created this auto insurance entity called MAIF (md auto ins fund) that has to provide auto ins to md licensed drivers who have been denied by 2 or more auto ins companies. this is b/c auto ins is required in md and the state had to provide some protection for md drivers who couldnt otherwise get approved for insurance.

last year, MAIF decided they were going to cut their rates b/c they were operating a 146 million dollar surplus. the other insurance companies complained that it would hurt their competitive market if MAIF dropped their rates below the industry average and that it would cause MAIF to possibly become default.

MAIF said how is cutting our rates by 6 million going to make us default? all it will do is mean we wil be running a 140 mil instead of a 146 mil surplus.

These big business industries are bleeding us dry.

corporate greed is rampant. i get it, its a capitalist market, yada yada yada.

but i shouldnt have to work this hard just to eek by in life. health insurance and banks push as far as they can.
Life is brutal, but beautiful

Last edited by over the mountain; 11-22-2011 at 11:16 AM.
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