Thread: 'Occupy' types
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Old 11-20-2011, 09:50 PM   #378
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Re: 'Occupy' types

For those against "Occupy" I would like to know:

Is it fair that 90% of elections at all levels are won by the person who spends more money (or gets more money from private interests)?

Do you support the right of corporations to spend millions of dollars lobbying congress, undermining the relationship between politicians and their constituents?

Does it seem moral that politicians can use insider information based on policy decisions to trade stocks and line their own pockets?

Is it okay that politicians who help corporations often end up getting high-paying jobs from those same corporations when they leave office?

Does it seem logical that in our capitalist system, a massive financial institution could become "too big to fail," forcing taxpayers to pickup a multi-trillion dollar bill brought about by destructive and reckless decision making by those institutions' leadership?

Do you see a problem with the fact that 20 years ago, you could raise a family on a single income, while today 2-income families sometimes barely scrape by - and that trend looks to continue?

Maybe you do not agree with the delivery of the unorganized movement. But how can you not support the message?

No pressure, no diamonds.

Last edited by drew54; 11-20-2011 at 10:05 PM.
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