Thread: 'Occupy' types
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Old 11-19-2011, 09:20 PM   #371
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Re: 'Occupy' types

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin View Post
Sorry sick of this characterization - Sure some police are but the vast majority that I have dealt with (and I have dealt with many) are conscientious men and women who would take a bullet to protect me or mine.

As to the woman, I simply was not aware of her circumstances. If you know the context, fine. I am pretty sure, however, I don't want police trying to use brute strength to force an elderly woman to do what she doesn't want to - the next headline is "Police assault elderly woman break her arms".

Or a 2011, London - also a protest that started out peaceably. So tell me, how would you "just move" the Occupiers without force when they refused to move? - - Lawdy Lawdy back at you.
The London riots got out of hand thanks to blackberry messaging and a few bad eggs bringing their bad egg comrades. I could easily see this turning into a London Riot type situation if the police end up killing someone.

I'd think the ultimate message of the Occupiers is to remain peaceful and to weed out the bad eggs as soon as possible because if this get violent, they've let the government win and politicians will start waving their finger saying, "I told you so" and God knows, they can't let THAT happen.

This isn't anything like the Civil Rights Movement in terms of scale or importance (to me personally) but they did peacefully do a lot of civil disobedience and though it took forever. They made progress. I'm gonna wager a guess that the Occupiers feel like this will do the same thing.

Will it? Probably not.
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