Some recent events:
Someone was shot and killed near OWS - Oakland
Man shot, killed near Occupy Oakland encampment |
Theres a chance that murder may not be related to OWS, but this shooting suicide definitely was:
After shooting, part of Occupy Burlington camp closed; protesters gather at church | Burlington Free Press |
And unfortunately the protesters are resistant to health care providers and recently sent a EMT responder to the hospital after breaking his leg:
EMT Hospitalized After Scuffle With Occupy Wall Street Protester -
Meanwhile in OWS SoCal when street vendors stopped giving protesters free food they showed there disapproval by splatter a hotdog cart with pee and blood:
SoCal Street Cart Vendors Hurting After ‘Occupy’ Group Splatters Blood, Urine « CBS Los Angeles
However, using bodily fluids and waste to protest is nothing new as we have all seen the picture of a guy that took a shit on a cop car, and more recently and in addition to the hotdog cart attack a protester took a number 1 and number 2 on a bank:
#Occupy Protest in California: "Who Pooped on the Bank?!" | MRCTV
Apparently poor hygiene can result in a TB outbreak like we have at OWS Atlanta:
Tuberculosis Breaks Out At Occupy Atlanta’s Base « CBS Atlanta
And dont tell Deasel, but Occupy Denver has elected a puppy as its leader:
Occupy Denver Elects a Leader: Shelby the Dog - She's more like a person than a corporation, organizer argues