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Old 11-07-2011, 12:39 AM   #15
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Re: Smoot Lays The Smack Down (Redskins vs. 49ers) (Thread is Open)

The announcers pointed out that the safeties were playing 10 yards from the line. That's total disrespect to the opposing QB. I hate to say I was right about Beck but I was dead on. He's a bum. We all kinda wanted to believe in him based off his pre season games but that's what it is. Pre season. He had a good game and everyone wanted to crown the guy. A lot different when people actually start game planning. He can't read defenses, has no deep ball, is too quick to check the ball down and doesn't let plays develop, he's just awful and so are the Shanahan's for shoving this guy down the fans throats.
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