Re: Smoot Lays The Smack Down (Redskins vs. 49ers) (Thread is Open)
Also, Matty's not bad luck. John Beck is bad luck. And I knew you wouldn't resist name dropping Matt Moore after he balled all over the Chiefs today.
My main hope is that the Shannies fit the scheme to whichever qb we draft's strengths next year. That's why all these rookie qb's are doing well, their coaches aren't asking them to do too much.
And I really don't need to rag too much on John Beck here. He played like an undrafted free agent rookie qb today though, he had a bad case of happy feet, staring down receivers, immediately going to his first option even if they weren't open, and missing wide open receivers down the field when he had the chance. It was pretty bad, and I hope nobody was blinded by the pity touchdown we got at the end. We got that touchdown because they rushed 3 the entire drive, and the only time we can ever expect that to happen is late in the game when we're getting blown out and a loss is virtually assured.
But yes, the myth of Beck has been busted. I honestly don't care who we go with at qb for the rest of the season, because even though Rex can move the ball, we can't sit here and convince ourselves that he'll be any better than what he was in the first 5 games of the season.
Also, it's pretty hard to smack down anybody on this team other than Beck right now. The d is on the field too long, they actually held their own somewhat this week, definitely can't smack on the special teams considering Gano balled like a serious ass mofo this week (seriously, you couldn't have paid me to believe that Gano had the brass nads to make a 59 yarder ever in his career) and Rocca is our first half MVP.
Hail to the Football Team