Re: Where does D. Hall rate as a CB for the Redskins all time?
Alright I've had it with this thread.
Here's the way to settle it.
To Hall apologists/fans/groupies: Hall is not the best CB ever, not the best Redskins CB ever, not even close to the top. You, like many people, are blinded by the flashiness of INTs and TDs, which clouds your view of his flaws. Also, we know that Carlos Rogers' hands, makes Hall look like the best ever. Remember that what makes him a playmaker, also makes him a liability. So your arguments that he's an elite CB are getting old. Get the F over it.
To Hall haters: Get F over it too. Reasonable fans know that Hall has his flaws. But when we're drinking and Hall takes one to the house, we're going to be unreasonable and overpraise him (even if it is preseason). Also, your arguments to prove that he's not a good CB are getting old, and some of you seem to enjoy it too much. Finally, we know some of you don't like him as a person, which is fine but remember that this will bias your opinion.
Any questions?
R.I.P. #21