Thread: Edit Option.
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Old 08-24-2011, 07:29 PM   #19
Naega jeil jal naga
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Re: Edit Option.

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
Special needs dictate special circumstances. Unfortunately I'm not the one who handles that so good luck . Although I do understand your situation.
The only thing I really want to do is be able to go back to the opening post on my threads and edit them the way I like, especially when either new information comes along or I finish a new video. It sucks and it's tedious having to bother a mod especially for someone like me who changes their mind a 1,000 times before he's satisfied. Like I only get one shot to edit it after it closes and again it goes back to 2 trolls ruining this for the rest of the forum and I don't think thats fair.

Like on this thread, how much would it suck to look through the whole thing for all the videos? And I had to go through 3 or 4 different formats before I found the one I liked.
(Note how it was originally posted on 7/31 and last edited on 8/6)
Threads like this also take a lot of editing though I admit I might have been able to finish it within the current window allowed for editing. Sometimes it seems arbitrary as to when a post gets an edit stamp and when it doesn't.

Again this is another big one. It would be extremely tedious to have to read through the whole thread to get all the info rather then just read the first post and comment on what you think.
(Originally posted 3/21 last edited on 5/1)

And I'm pretty sure GTripp likes to re-edit his post game evaluations threads as well.

I'm sorry to keep bringing this up but to me it's akin to playing a video game and having a major button that either doesn't work or works half the time. I don't know I hate having my post set in stone and it's not like if I try to change something to save face that the mods wouldn't know about it.
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Last edited by Dirtbag59; 08-24-2011 at 07:37 PM.
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