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Old 08-01-2011, 11:46 AM   #133
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Re: How far can Beck take us?

Originally Posted by sugeknight245 View Post
My best guess is that Shanahan looks at the organization and knows that there will not be a direct impact with the current roster he has. He tried last year with McNabb but no results were acheived. First and foremost, I don't think Shanahan believes that Beck is the answer. In fact, I think openning day starter will be Grossman. Secondly, 3 and 13 or 4 and 12 will probably land us the number 1 or 2 pick in next years draft which is stocked with good QB's primarily Andrew Luck and Landry Jones.

QB is the most important position on the team, with Beck's inexperience, I can only doubt that he will not provide the necessary leadership to make the Redskins a playoff caliber team.
Leadership is not directly correlated with technical expertise and proficiency. Beck's inexperience is due to a perceived lack of ability and proficiency.
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