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Old 07-30-2011, 06:39 PM   #116
Camp Scrub
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Re: How far can Beck take us?

Originally Posted by skinster View Post
True, but Kolb was kept on his team instead of one of the Eagles all time great qbs. Beck was a 2nd rounder who got cut by the team that drafted him 2 years later, then got cut as the third string qb by the ravens, then was our 3rd string qb last year. And to add insult to injury, Beck will be 30, which gives less longevity possibility. Neither has proven anything, but how they have been treated by their respective teams is a pretty large indicator of how much they are valued in the nfl and a reasonably accurate predictor of how they will do in the future. Of course, neither has proven anything yet so there are no absolutes, but if you can't see why Redskins fans are concerned, then I think that's on you.
Your team just traded an all pro QB from the same team you are singing praises of their treatment of their QB's as being an indicator of said QB's worth. One has to wonder why you would think so highly of that system to compare Kolb to Beck with Beck being the negative of the two.

I will bet here and now that Beck will out play Kolb this season. jm2c I will also bet that Kolb will be back in the barn at the Reed house for free within 3 years! The Cards were idiots for paying that much for Kolb and Reed must be dying laughing all the way to the bank this year! He pulled that on us with Feeley back in 03-04.

As for Orton I'm so happy Miami didn't do the stupid deal and pay an equal price for Orton. BTW the guy is 11 & 18 in his last 29 starts, so much for him being anyone's savior!
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