Originally Posted by mooby
Oh come on, he didn't say anything about no improvement being acceptable anywhere in that post. I see his point. And I agree that it will take longer than a season to turn around this mess, especially considering we're still in the middle of a switch to a 3-4 from a decade of being a mostly top 10 4-3 defense.
I don't see what the problem is as long as steady improvement is being made to not only make this team better in the short term, but definitely in the long term as well. And so far, aside from the McNabb/Haynesworth bumps in the road, we're on the right track.
But it definitely won't take 4 or 5 seasons to remake this team in Shanny's image. 3 seasons tops. Where we're at right now, I think we can be anywhere from a 6-10 to 9-7 team, which is still an improvement over last year and 2009. Like I said as long as improvement is being made. I'd rather sacrifice short term success for long term success if need be.
Mooby, that wasn't his point. You've stated a logical, thoughtful case that I would agree with: strong improvement between year 1 and 2, playoffs or no playoffs, should allow a coach to make further improvement in year three.
SBXVII was saying five years min, based on no burden of improvement. And he was saying that as if Vinny Cerrato's acts here justifies not being critical of the guy that follows him.
In other words, he was saying that 4 years of non-progress under Shanahan couldn't be Shanahan's fault, they'd be Cerrato's. I will leave it to you to determine the validity of such a claim. But thats what he was saying.