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Old 07-05-2011, 08:46 PM   #10
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Re: The Pre-season and the lockout.

I would imagine they have an idea as to how far they could shorten practice (probably 1 week), and then they most likely would start chopping preseason games, then chopping actual games. An interesting option I've heard is if they have to chop all preseason games then they might run the regular schedule allowing the teams to keep all their players until Oct. which then all teams would have to be down to the required number.

I think that would be cool because if your team is up by a nice margin, or loosing miserably then they could stick in the Rookies for a longer look in actual games. The only bad issue would be if all your games are close and you can't afford to throw them out there, then I guess the team would have to make some decisions.

If your looking for actual dates though July 15 is the first I've heard of so far which would effect preseason.
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