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Old 06-29-2011, 07:02 AM   #11
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Re: Official Game of Thrones thread (Spoilers)

Originally Posted by 724Skinsfan View Post
Ned coming back serves no purpose to the story. If he comes back then I think it's simply a placation to the fans that can't handle a story in which a popular, but minor protagonist gets killed early. Count me as one of the ones that will upset if Ned makes a reintroduction.
There are 2 books to go. There is alot of us that think Ned will appear in some fashion. I myself dont know if he is brought back due to magic, like Catelyn Stark, or if the theories are correct that it was a faceless man or some other deception pulled on the sept of Baelor.

There are a couple interesting plot points in the book, almost seems as if George goes out of his way to plant seeds of doubt in the readers' minds: Sansa Stark seeing the head of "Ned", and remarking that it looks nothing like her father. Catelyn Stark, upon receiving the bones, says that they are not of her husband, and perhaps the most telling fact is that the caravan that was transporting Ned's body to the crypts in Winterfell, never arrived.

I agree it would be difficult for him to return, but not impossible...
Time to nut up or shut up
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