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Old 01-11-2011, 01:28 PM   #113
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Re: What Michael Vick won't be

All these people like that idiot Tucker Carlson that were calling for Vick to be "executed", or for him to receive a lifetime ban. Thats where my argument came from.

There are people in the NFL who have killed people, been involved in shooting, stabbings, blah blah blah, and i bet you never at any point was anybody calling for a lifetime ban.

Ben Rapistberger is slapped on the wrist after allegedly raping 2 women, but nobody cares. I just think that the media went ballistic on Vick, especially the animal rights people who are in bed with the other groups...They took a man who committed bad crimes and projected him in an even worse light. Vick was a criminal, but he is also a little bit of a victim when you look at how so many people have tried to go out of their way to keep him from doing what he loves.

Bottom line is when crimes involving animals occur, conventional wisdom, and also common sense are thrown out the window. The best thing we all can do, myself included, is just leave this debate about Vick alone. We will never agree. I will end this with saying that I'm glad Vick is getting a second chance and i also hope that he does not revert back to his old life when he starts making big bucks again. I hope he's changed.
Time to nut up or shut up
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