Re: What Michael Vick won't be
It is funny to read all the crap talk about Vick. I do not like or dislike Vick, but he is a legit NFL QB and is a dynamic player. Of course he does not have the accuracy of a Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. There aren't many in this world that do. If Vick did have Peyon's arm he would be Superman.
Yesterday Peyton Manning lost yet another playoff game, is there a thread calling him a choker? All of you guys will be worshiping him again next season.
Vick spent 21 moths in jail, declared bankruptcy and still was able to again become a top 5 QB in the NFL. Not many people have done this.
Donte Stallworth was drunk driving and killed a human being and only spent 30 days behind bars. He is currently playing for the Ravens. Where is the outrage for this guy?