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Old 12-06-2010, 12:57 PM   #53
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Re: It's Talent, Not Coaching.

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
I do think at this point you have to seriously question the talent on the defense. Rak is the only long term keeper in the front 7. Fletcher can still play so for a short term option he's a keeper as well. Other than that the talent and depth is paper thin.

We've run plenty of 4-3 looks this year and still manage to stink up the joint, so I think the scheme argument has to take a backseat to the talent argument.
Sure, the talent isn't where we'd want it to be. Again though, the drop-off from last year can't be explained through the talent alone. The point is, that there needs to be a thorough examination of both coaching and players on the defensive level.
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