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Old 11-03-2010, 12:42 PM   #89
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Re: To All The Liberals

Originally Posted by DynamiteRave View Post
A friend in Philly told me they heard there was only 20% voter turn out for the city of Philly, of course a democratic city. Not saying Republican turnout was higher but Philly (and I'm going to assume Pittsburgh but I could be wrong) carry the highest democratic weight. My friend calls the rest of the area of PA above Pitt and Philly, "Pennsyltucky" which is where all the Conservatives are.

Just assuming that if people in the major cities didn't turn out, its no surprise Republicans won.

Oh well. I'm taking the Trample route as an ode to a fallen comrade (cuz that dude just effin disappeared) and say, government sucks and all politicians are crooks. I didn't vote so I'm not really complaining either way. Just hope things workout over the next 2 years.
The Black Panthers turned out again in Philly.
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