Originally Posted by Ruhskins
This is an excellent point, and anyone who is salivating for this guy to come to DC obviously has not learned from the AH gaffe.
Yep those are the 2 points that make me leary of making a trade for the guy. Yes he can help our team and maybe give us enough for a good shot at the NFC east this year, but how much will it really hinder the Redskins in the future?
To much money involved to sign him and to high of a pick to give up to get him. One more slip up and he misses 8 games next suspension after that then a whole season. Way to much money involved for that slim margin of error or a brief slip up in lack of judgement by VJ to risk.
He is a damn good player but he has to much baggage that he would bring along, I was all for it in the beginning but not now. This is another deal that could very easily blow up in the Redskins face if the executed it, and I for one do not feel that BA would make this move.
We are already have enough character issue guys and one big fat malcontent.