Re: Pluses and Minuses: Bills vs Redskins
Originally Posted by SmootSmack
London Fletcher: So glad I was wrong about going after him. It's like he's been playing ILB in the 3-4 his whole career. Very lucky to have him on our team
Ryan Torain: He runs too high? So did Eric Dickerson. Anyhow, happy to see him run well, otherwise all my praise of him would have been for naught. More importantly though, nice to see him back on the field less than two years after tearing his ACL.
Chad Rinehart: So sad I was wrong about drafting him. Maybe he's just not totally healthy yet, but while everyone talks about cutting Kelly and whether he was a busted draft pick; I'm more concerned with Rinehart. Not sure there's a place for him on this roster
Maake: Didn't seem to get much penetration at DT. He takes up space, but wasn't much of a difference maker
SS.... Who is the player Fletcher is referring too?
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