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Old 07-09-2010, 05:17 PM   #18
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Re: Football Outsiders Picks Redskins to Make Postseason

Carlos Rogers isn't young anymore and Campbell's gone. That was the 05 draft. Rocky McIntosh has been shopped and may not be a scheme fit. He, Doughty, and Golston are the 06 draft. Landry is the 07 draft. Then Kelly, Thomas, Davis, Tryon and Rinehart in 08, and Orakpo/Barnes in 09. All we've gotten in development of that group is a stud edge rusher, a nickel corner (not counting Rogers, who is 29, and a UFA in 2011), a TE prospect, whatever Landry is these days, and a bunch of guys who could be replaced by veterans and we wouldn't miss them.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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