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Old 02-28-2005, 11:02 PM   #140
That Guy
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Re: Samari or Freddy?

I think the talks with rolle are happening for a couple reasons...
A) To take away leverage from Smoot
B) As a safety net in case smoot is justs delaying a decision until march 2nd to take a look at other offers regardless of the skins offer (the skins FO arent the only people allowed to be shady)
C) We got a steal on springs since he was injured, and getting a CB like rolle cheaply is a hard thing to do...
D) Of all the CBs on the market, rolle is the best option for us (he's 28, knows the defense and is a better cover corner when healthy, and will be cheap price/performance right now)

Why not try for ty law?
Ty law is older and much more expensive... he also has never played for williams defense.

I've watched rolle play, and he's GOOD... i can see him getting 7 ints next year... the only knock on him is his injuries and how much they're going to affect his play in the future...

The only thing better than having the best #2 CB is having two #1s... and then former starter walt harris and wilds as your backups... crazy...

I'll trust williams for now, since he's the only capable GM in the FO right now... and remember, even if we give smoot what he wants, he might just delay till the 2nd and walk anyways.

I love Smoot and the way he plays with such heart, but should we pay him top 5 corner type of money just for the sake of holding on to a 'leader'?
I wouldn't say for the sake of a "leader" but I would say for the sake of someone who we KNOW what we are getting. There's no guarantee that Rolle would pan out.
We had no gaurantee springs would pan out either... and he only got a $10mill SB (and he's not bitter either).
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