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Old 02-26-2010, 10:27 AM   #68
BigHairedAristocrat's Avatar
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Re: Schefter: "There's no way" the Rams won't pick Sam Bradford at No. 1

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
Of course it's still possible Campbell ends up being the guy. Redskins won't just give him away and they were talking contract extension with his agent back in November/December (talks which apparently are picking up again).

All that said though, my own gut feeling is there won't be a contract extension and Campbell will be traded before the draft
Seems to me, the smart thing to do would be to give him a modest extension right now. something no more than 3 years with salaries no more than 4-5MM/year and 5MM in signing bonus money. If they decide to keep him, great.

but if they decide to trade him, having him under a contract like that should help us get more value out of him in a trade since 1) it would appear that we actually wanted him and 2) the new team wouldn't have to worry about negotiating a huge deal with him or fear that he could walk away after only one year.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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