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Old 02-11-2010, 06:54 PM   #9
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Re: Ford Introduces Next-Gen Connectivity Suite

Originally Posted by CRedskinsRule View Post
Personally, I would be just as happy if my car were my own personal taxi, get in, tell the computer "Take me to work" and then I read the morning emails, updates, etc while the car navigates the idiocy of the morning rush. As in I Robot, it would have to have an override in case the robots try to take over the world, but I am good with letting the car drive me around.
BBC News - How computers took over our cars
With this level of electronic driver support, won't cars soon be able to drive themselves? In fact car makers have built prototypes that can do just that. But for years into the future they will stop short of selling them. It's too onerous to take legal responsibility away from the driver.

Even so, cars will continue to harvest more and more information about the world around them. Rival manufacturers are co-operating to lay down an automotive wifi standard. The aim is that in a few years from now vehicles will be able to set up ad-hoc car-to-car networks. Cars would send and receive their position, direction and speed to neighbouring vehicles. Your car would warn you if a vehicle was around a corner, coming towards you but hidden. If you don't apply the brakes, it could.
Guess the liability question makes a lot of sense, no personal taxi for me in the near future. This article is a really interesting look at the past and future of electronics in cars
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