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Old 02-02-2010, 12:58 PM   #9
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Re: Punxsutawney Phil screws us again

This groundhog thing is about as dumb as dumb gets. This all you need to read from the artical and the guy says he can speak groundhog.

Dubbed "Punxsutawney Phil," the rodent made his forecast in front of about 12,000 people who came from as far as Chile and the Netherlands to see the 124-year-old tradition in 18 degree Fahrenheit (-8 degrees Celsius) temperatures.

Phil was lifted from his cage in a stump at dawn to the cheers of the waiting crowd, many of whom were dressed in groundhog hats and other paraphernalia.

Bill Deeley, president of the Punxsutawney Inner Circle organizers -- and reputedly the only person in the world who can speak "groundhogese" -- declared that Phil had "seen his shadow" as he has about 90 percent of the time.
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