Re: State of the Union (1/27/10)
"Last week, the Supreme Court reversed a century of law to open the floodgates for special interests — including foreign corporations — to spend without limit in our elections," Obama said
Obama lied on national television. McCain / Feingold isn't that old. They may be but the law isn't.
I don't remember the Democrats complaining when the Chinese nationals (aka the ChiComs) were giving campaign money to the Clintons and Gore.
I thought I hated Bush, then we got Clinton. I thought no one could screw up bigger than Clinton, then we got Dumb-ass the younger. I thought no one, absolutely no one could be a bigger screw up than W. Now we have this guy, a guy who gets up and lies on national television.
It's been a Democrat Congress since 2006. Yeah remember, dumb-ass W destroyed the Republican party like Mao-bama is destroying the Democrat party. Democrats can't wash their hands of this.
A funny thing happened on the way to the temple. The moneychangers bought the priesthood.