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Old 01-26-2010, 03:47 PM   #12
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Re: VERY Useful PC Utility!

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Just discovered, installed and fell in love with this utility for Windows.

It's called Volumouse and allows you to turn the volume of your external PC speakers up and down with the scroll wheel on your mouse. I set mine to work when I hold down the left Control and Shift keys while I scroll, since they're right there on the corner of the keyboard and easy to smash down quickly. It helps a LOT for when I'm streaming radio stations...the commercials always blast you out when they come on, so I have to turn the speakers down. After the commercials, I have to turn it back up to hear people talking. Pain in the over with Volumouse!

Get it here free. Takes a few seconds to download and set up.

Volumouse - control the sound volume with a wheel mouse
Thanks, I forgot I even had a scroll wheel on my mouse and now I don't have to click on that thing to move the pages up and down.
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