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Old 01-25-2010, 10:09 AM   #11
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Re: VERY Useful PC Utility!

Originally Posted by tryfuhl View Post
I use my scroll wheel for browsing too much to change it to something else

most media players have the scroll wheel control the volume slider by default so I'll just pop the player up

also have volume controls on my keyboard

pretty handy if you do a lot of media stuff in the background though I guess
I don't have volume on my keyboard, so I can see how you won't need it.

I use it for scrolling too, but this utility doesn't take your scrolling way. You can still scroll. You set up a key (or keys) to press to hold and when you use the wheel, it turns into a volume control.

I have the left Ctrl and Shift set up for the Volumouse because it seems like the easiest (and it is). If I'm not holding the keys down, my mouse wheel scrolls as normal. I didn't use just Ctrl because that is the ZOOM feature when used with the wheel. The two keys are right there on the corner, easy to press both down to adjust volume. I listen to sports or newstalk radio in my office and the commercials are always blastingly loud, so I use this a lot. No more reaching across my desk to turn commercials down.

Try it! You'll like it!
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