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Old 01-22-2010, 02:42 AM   #14
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Re: boxing/ UFC fans?

Originally Posted by SolidSnake84 View Post
Somebody should try actually getting in the ring before saying boxers are fags.....that's my 2 cents

But I agree with Matty...UFC has surpassed boxing, which is a shame when you think of boxing's rich history, before guys like Don King and Butch Lewis ruined everything....
I know UFC is growing rapidly but I still don't think it has surpassed boxing. I remember reading somewhere that boxing made more money with 2 fights (Manny/Cotto and Mayweather/Marquez) than UFC made all year and I highly doubt any UFC fight you can dream of has the potential to make as much money as a Mayweather/Pacquiao can. I don't mind watching UFC fights but I'm still more of a boxing fan. I'm pretty sure the best UFC fighters probably make half of what the elite boxers make and obviously with the number of PPV sales from those two big boxing fights in 2009, its hard to say UFC has surpassed it when it doesn't get the same PPV sales and there's a reason the elite boxers make more than the elite UFC fighters, boxing is in it's down years and UFC is on the rise so I think just cause of that alone ppl think UFC is in some way ahead but you can't compare the numbers but like I said I don't mind UFC and I thin they're two completely different animals and maybe someday UFC could outsell the top boxing events but it hasn't happend yet
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