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Old 01-06-2010, 11:33 AM   #154
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by Paintrain View Post
A little medicine for all of the 'same old Redskins' group, this is from an interview Adam Schefter did this morning on ESPN980:

"It's their show," Schefter said of Allen and Shanahan. "That's it. They're taking over. They're the men in charge right now, and they are responsible for the direction of this franchise moving forward. When Jim Zorn was dismissed this week, who did it? Bruce Allen. Not Dan Snyder. Bruce Allen. When Mike Shanahan was hired, who did it? Bruce Allen. So it's Bruce Allen and Mike Shanahan running the show in Washington, with Dan Snyder watching from above, which is how it should be, which is how most successful organizations in football are run. You look at the Pittsburgh Steelers, Dan Rooney was there, he was a presence, he was aware of things, but he wasn't ultimately making decisions about what free agents to sign, and what players to draft, and what players to keep, and what players to cut. And it'll be the same thing in Washington."
Schefter has some good inside knowledge when it comes to Shanahan, so I think his take here carries significant weight.

I doubt Allen or Shanahan would have come here unless they were 110% sure that they would be calling the shots. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if there is language in their contracts ensuring they have control and Snyder needs to keep his nose out of things.
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