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Old 01-06-2010, 09:58 AM   #124
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Re: Shanahan The New Head Coach Of the Redskins

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
Shanahan is the coach, for better or worse. My issue is with the entire hiring process (which clearly showed Snyder selected the coach, not the GM) and his title - the same one vinny used to have. To me, its very telling that neither Shanahan or Allen have a Team President Title. No matter what is said in press conferences, Snyder is reserving final say for himself and he'll be just as involved as ever.
I'm pretty sure when Gibbs retired he retained the Team President title but as Matty said titles are irrelevant.

So are you implying that if your favorite, Cowher, was being hired and introduced today that you'd have a different opinion of the 'process'? You're all over the place with your quarrels with the hire. First it was Shananhan was nothing without Elway, then it was his record, now it's the process.

Are you a sommelier because you sure seem to know a lot about whine.
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