Re: No NHL this year
I only like the playoffs and even then I usually only watch a very small amount of it.
as far as the 4th major sport, numbers say its nascar which is rather depressing seeing as to how quite a few people r spending hours drinking and watching cars drive in a circle really fast. I know most people go for the crashes just like most hockey fans watch for the fights but that mkaes it even worse. and ncaa football would get a nod before ncaa bb just cuz this country pretty much lives and breathes football. tennis, except when serena is playing her sister or sharapova, is pretty much a forgoten sport. and then there's golf which isn't as bad to watch as I used to believe when I was younger but like many other people I usually only watch when Tiger's on the course.
so I honestly believe no other sports/leagues besides NBA, MLB, and NFL can be considered major sports/leagues anymore at this time.