Thread: Shawn Springs
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Old 02-25-2004, 11:37 PM   #13
Uncle Phil
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I don't know, I'm just not crazy about Winfield. I know he plays bigger than his size but I feel like that's going to catch up to him. I guess though if you you strengthen your d-line the need to a top of the line cover corner on both sides of the field isn't as big a deal. As for Winfield knowing the system, so what? Let's just run off some of the names that knew the Spurrier system...Wuerffel, Matthews, Reidel Anthony, Jacquez Green

Also, maybe someone can answer this question for me. Gregg Williams is the Assistant Head Coach-Defense while Greg Blache is the defensive coordinator. So I'm just wondering what do these different responsibilities mean exactly and whose system will be impleneted, Blache's or Williams'?
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