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Old 11-25-2009, 06:41 AM   #160
Hug Anne Spyder
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Re: Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Originally Posted by mredskins View Post
I am mredskins on 360, I will play along as well.

I played Saturday night and it was very glitchie, don't know what was going on. I noticed a couple people in the match had 0 bars, do you think that was it or a Infanty Ward Issue?

Also does anyone know how to make their NAT open on their router? I have it set to open but it still says closed on Xbox, weird.
I keep having glitches when I play online too. It pauses a lot, a lot of the hosts keep dropping which usually ends the matchs because it can't find another one, and this one thing happens a lot where I'll be moving around and then it'll freeze up or something, and my guy will shake for like 10 seconds while being whipped around the room, and then it'll freeze completely lol. It's starting to get annoying.
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