I feel that the only real difference between the two is that the Redskins are basically asking him to not be completely ridiculous. I mean aside from the fact that professional sports players are overpaid in general, I feel that it is completely outlandish for someone to be pissed off because they're not "feeling love" from the management.
The "love" they want to feel should come from playing the game, their fans, NOT from how much they get paid. That should merely be an oversight. I don't want to hear about loyalty from Smoot when it would be just as easy for him to be like "OK, 10 million it is." and be done with it, rather than bitching because he can't have that extra 4 million. I mean I know I'll never have even ONE million dollars in my life at once and I just don't feel that it is right for him to ask for FOUR more, just because he wants to feel the love.
Sometimes it seems that the money is more about ego rather than actual necessity.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.