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Old 09-14-2009, 12:39 AM   #85
The Goat
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Re: Another Vinny Special: Deangelo Hall

Originally Posted by GTripp0012 View Post
Then you have the Blache problem, which is: ignore anything that suggests that DeAngelo Hall might not be the next coming of Deion Sanders, and continue to treat him like a shutdown corner with no safety help.

The combination has the potential to be a complete disaster, but on a team with a G.M. who thought Hall and Devin Thomas to both be good gambles over the last two years, figured that Jason Taylor could just play wherever, and was beyond convinced that the non-existent quarterback problem was more important than the offensive line issue, is it really all that surprising that we have the school janitor captaining the Titanic?

We really do have a lot of great players on this defense. The middle linebacker, the defensive tackle, one of the corners, and one of our defensive ends are well above average NFL talents. And save Haynesworth: they were all Grilliams' pickups.
Well Blache did admit the mistake of leaving Hall in single coverage against Smith (to put another guy up front). I think it's a work in progress and still hope Blache has a schematic epiphany.
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