Originally Posted by GTripp0012
You're talking about a pass that wasn't thrown anywhere near Rogers. I don't know how viable an INT was. I do know that Rogers extended clearly to knock the ball away, so he wasn't even trying to catch it.
Sure if he catches it, he's probably gone, but it wasn't Rogers that Eli was trying to hit in the numbers. He just made a good play on the ball.
Noo Carlos actually had a play on that ball. He dropped it.. it happened fast but he definetlely dropped it. You can't sit here and tell me he doesn't have the worst hands in the league. Him and smoot absolutely drop everything. Everyones giving Hall shit but he is effective but you have to put him in schemes that fit his talent. Smoot shouldn't even be in the league. He is absolutely an awful tackler, can't catch and gets burned constantly. But yea Carlos should be catching a million balls a practice..